As enshrined in the Act establishing the LMHRA all clinical studies involving humans and animals shall be authorized by LMHRA in accordance with Part V, Section 5 counts 1 & 2 as stated below.
Considering the aforementioned, the Clinical Trials Unit at the LMHRA is established with the responsibility to:
Specifically, the Clinical Trials Unit performs the following activities:
Reviews all reports (safety reports, quarterly reports, Serious Adverse Events-SAE reports and final or close-out reports from clinical trials conduct.
The Clinical Trials Unit is headed by Dr. Juwe D. Kercula who is one of the Authors of the LMHRA first clinical trials guidelines. Dr. Kercula coordinates the VaccTrain/RegTrain Project of the GHPP at the LMHRA which partnership has developed the LMHRA CT vital documents. Dr. Kercula has represented the LMHRA on several international meetings on Clinical Trials including the SCoMRA 2019 where he served as one of the speakers on Clinical Trials.
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LMHRA is charged with the responsibilty of protecting the Liberian populace from fake, expired and substandard medicines and health products.
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